The Amazon Seller's Escape

A FREE 5-Day Email Series breaking down the 5 Biggest Mistakes Amazon Sellers Make When Transitioning Over To Their Own Website.

(Even If You Don't Know Where To Start)

Everything You Need To:

• Create an online presence where customers feel safe and understood.• Build long-lasting relationships that turn you into the only viable option in a crowded and noisy space.• Rely less on a "rented" audience for success and work more on a business you control.

Build an owned customer base and move part of your revenue off Amazon. (in just 5 minutes a day)

Hi, I’m Peter!I’ve been a student of marketing and online sales for the past 15 years. But it wasn’t until I published my first book on Amazon that I realized how many sellers have no presence outside the platform. And, those who do, often repeat the same mistakes.Let's break it down...

Here's everything that's inside:

Day #1: How to avoid the one thing that makes even 8-figure Amazon Sellers look like a generic storefront.Day #2: Discover the silent habit that makes customers feel like they are “buying candy from a stranger”.Day #3: How to avoid price wars with a simple mindset shift. (Spoiler Alert: it's not you - it's Amazon!)Day #4: How to build a compounding asset and escape the cost of renting an audience.Day #5: Why chasing this shiny outcome prevents you from creating long-term happy-customers.

You're in! The first email of the "Amazon Seller's Escape" is on its way to your inbox.

In the next few minutes, expect an email from me, Peter.This includes an overview of what we're going to cover.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know.I'll be more than happy to help!Now go and check your inbox!

Technology fails us sometimes.
If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.